Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Time to dig in

We serve such an amazing God.  After last week's blog I was really hoping that I would get at least a few challenging comments back asking how God might be talking to us through specific circumstances in the world around us.  As the days clicked by I started losing hope.  But then, Sunday morning at Grace World Outreach Church we had a guest speaker.  And as I left the parking lot I knew the challenge had been set before me and I felt the presence of God pushing me to follow up with what will be a series of four or five blogs in response to the message we heard.

Evangelist Pat Schatzline of "Remnant Ministries International" brought a message that just rocked the spirit within me.  Pat preached on a word that he received from God back in December.  You can read about this on Pat's blog at http://www.patschatzblog.com/2015/12/the-lord-will-shout-in-2016-prophetic.html

If you go to the page, you will find that God gave Pat an understanding of 16 "Shouts" that God will be calling out.  Pat notes that CS Lewis says that "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains, it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world."

Is that so on target with where God has been leading us with these blogs or what?  It is the point of the book I will be releasing, and the message God has put upon my heart for the past several years.  Don't we want to know what God is shouting about?  I know I do!!  And, I believe that He has made it my responsibility to blow the trumpet and help others understand how to hear exactly what He is trying to say.

Pat's message begins with a call to the righteous who will be awakened by God's voice.  These people will listen to what God is saying and respond by digging deep into His Word and allowing His Spirit to rule over them.  Pat sees these people as righteous, bold, holy, and willing to walk out His precepts in the midst of a compromising world.  Pat goes on to see that these people will be given dreams and visions, and that "God is handing  out parchment and scrolls in prayer closets to those who know His heart.  The parchments are announcements of what the Lord is about to do in the land, and these scrolls have hidden in them the keys to the kingdom of God."

Sunday evening I shared with Pat that I believe the following 15 "Shouts" that he heard from the Lord all hinge on this group of people doing what they have been called to do.  I believe that this group will be the ones who are going to help the church learn how to hear His voice to the point we can respond in the way that the blessings we are praying for can be answered. 

Pat believes that God has shown him that there will be "much civil unrest across America".  His messages indicates that this unrest will lead to a "mom's movement" that, if they listen to God, they will move across America with His power and that this will bring about change.  In this "shout" we see the pain as the civil unrest continues to grow.  I believe this civil unrest that Pat is speaking of in this first "shout" deals with issues such as abortion, gender identity, and the materialism of our society.  We must remember that God is speaking to the church, so what could God possibly be telling us as He leads our society into the bondage we are seeing around us.  For starters, we must see that all three of these things are connected together with the common thread of pride and lust. The truth is, the Church has been chasing materialism for years, our homes are filled with gender confusion, and we have been spiritually aborting our children as we have chased after the material promises of this world.

As you read this, I know you know that what I am saying is true.  We have chased after larger homes, cars, and luxury vacations.  In our "need" for the things of this world we have justified two income families even when it has not been absolutely necessary.  In our pursuit of luxury and comfort we have established the television, video games, and the internet as the spiritual mentors of our children.  We have lost our gender identity as husband and wife from a biblical vantage point and brought total perversion, materialism, and an onslaught of demonic attack into our homes in the name of entertainment.  For God to provide the power to support this "mom movement" men and women must first repent, turn back to living a gender correct image of marriage, support one another as husband and wife, repent for allowing the material things of this world to become more important than the spiritual well-being of our children, and become the moms and dads our children deserve.  As the moms and dads of this country repent, God will bring about the transformation discussed in this second of sixteen "shouts".

I pray that the words of this blog have deeply impacted you.  We serve a kind and loving God who is quick to forgive and slow to anger.  But now is not the time to preach soft and easy to listen to messages.  The time is short.  We must let ourselves hear what He is saying, repent, and feel the power as He changes the atmosphere around us.

God bless.

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