Saturday, June 30, 2018

What to dwell upon...finding the perfect peace of God

Earlier today I posted a quote from Philippians 4:7.  During my reading this morning God showed me the connection between the perfect peace of Christ, the protection we have as we walk through the struggles of life, and how Satan uses these struggles to lead us into temptation and anxiety.

The scripture reminds us that in Christ there is a power available that guards our hearts and minds.  It is only when we let this power be active in our lives that we can live in this perfect peace that "surpasses all comprehension".

In our carnal state, when things get tough, we tend to let our minds wonder; wonder to distractions, to false intimacies, and to those things that in reality will only lead to double mindedness and confusion.  In this state we become unstable in all things as our Spiritual man comes in conflict with the thoughts we are allowing ourselves to consider.

Later this afternoon as I continued to read, this section of scripture became even more alive.  As we progress into Philippians 4:8-9 the Spirit is given the opportunity to put an explanation point on this subject.

Philippians 4:8-9 NASB  Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.  the things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."

We must accept that there is a connection between the "peace" being with us and the choices we make as to what we decide to dwell upon.  Simply put, when we allow ourselves to dwell upon those thing that are not of God, are not of the Spirit, and are not in harmony with who we have become in Him we will become unstable in mind and thought. 

As one would naturally understand, when we allow ourselves to dwell upon things that are not in harmony with who we have been called to be there will be a check in our Spirit.  We will know that we have crossed a line and that we have allowed our flesh to control.  Since this has become foreign to our natural state as Spirit filled believers we instantly feel out of balance, off kilter, and filled with an anxiety that would be similar to drowning. 

Consider sitting in a boat, in crystal clear water, and seeing a treasure chest 100 feet below that became uncovered in a recent storm.  We know we have not been designed to breather under water, but our minds have wondered to the potential outcome of this amazing find and without thought we jump in, swim toward the bottom, and at some point realize we have gone in too deep.  In this moment we become filled with fear, life becomes more important than treasure, and we desperately make headway for the surface.

Where would we be if we didn't realize we were in too deep until we actually had to breath?  It is through an instantaneous thought that we realize we are in too deep, are hit with the anxiety of truth as to life and death, and dedicate all of our being to returning to the surface where we can once again breath.  Where would we be if in that moment we allowed our minds to remain focused on the treasure, the promises it offers, and the future we believe it will provide?  Herein lies the truth of promises to change our lives for the positive while delivering us unto an untimely death.  Unfortunately, many of us continue to swim downward as we fight against God as He tries to show us we are believing in lies.

Ultimately God loves us, He cares for us, and He wants us to be free.  He wants us to be a good witness and He wants our testimonies to be pure.  Simply put, God cannot provide us with His perfect peace when we are thinking thoughts and giving our hearts to those things that are not true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, of good repute, excellent, or worthy of praise.

Fortunately we have a God who forgives, is on our side, and wants us to be free.  He will not give up on us and will not forsake us.  Sometimes this might include a little wake up call that shows us we have gone too deep, are being led toward death instead of life, and that it isn't too late to turn back.  Because of His love, He must leave us to our own double mindedness and in love He will bring about circumstances that are purposed to show us the truth of the lies we have come to trust.

I pray that if God has been using stress and anxiety to speak to you, that through this blog you come to listen.  I pray that if He is trying to show you that your thoughts and heart have believed a promise that will only lead you to death that you accept your humility and return to the truth of from where life flows.  I pray that each of us grow in our ability to resist temptations, see them for the lies that they are, and return our minds and hearts to those things that truly are of God.

I pray His perfect peace over all of us and that this day be the beginning of a new chapter in each of our lives.

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