Last Friday
morning I was asked to do the meditation on “three encounters with Christ” for
Kairos 65 at Zephyrhills Correctional Institution. The following scripture is the first of the
three encounters:
As He was setting out on a journey, a man ran up to Him and knelt
before Him, and asked Him, "Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit
eternal life?" And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No
one is good except God alone. "You
MOTHER.'" And he said to Him,
"Teacher, I have kept all these things from my youth up." Looking at him, Jesus felt a love for him and
said to him, "One thing you lack: go and sell all you possess and give to
the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." But at these words he was saddened, and he
went away grieving, for he was one who owned much property.
As I read
the final line I felt myself hearing my own words echoing back to me. The words I speak when I hear God clearly
tell me that all I need to do is ______________ and life will become so much
more fulfilling, so much simpler, and so much more complete. “Oh, that… know, my life is pretty good
like it is. I really don’t know why I
was complaining. That empty feeling, it
isn’t really that bad. You know, I’m not
sure why I really bothered you with this.
After all, it really isn’t sin.
Is it?”
going into excessive detail, I will tell you that over the past several years
God and I have gone through round after round of similar discussions. First He shows me where I am not allowing Him
to deliver me into peace, joy, and a greater sense of well-being. Then He shows me what I must change about me,
what I do, or how I think. I can look
back on countless examples of where my thought patterns and life choices have
been dramatically changed. But, what
about those things He just can’t seem to deliver me from? What went wrong? I didn’t walk away from God, but I haven’t
been delivered from those things and those feelings. Have I been led astray? Is it hopeless? Was I duped?
Is God telling me that He is OK with where I am?
The reality
is that I have not been led astray, it is not hopeless, and I was not duped. The truth is God is not OK with where I am
because He loves me and wants me to be free of anything that is less than
perfect. The fact is that these things
greatly hinder my ability to do His work and can totally undermine my ability
to stand witness to Him; Sometimes to the point of doing more damage to His
kingdom than good.
The reality
is I am really good at manipulating myself to not let go of what I really don’t
want to let go of while claiming I want to.
The amazing thing is how easy it is.
Here is how it works: “OH, you want me to __________.” No problem, I’m all over it. Oh, your strength. Na, I got this one covered. Thanks though.”
Simply put….
I know that if I lean on God’s strength I will be delivered. He has proven it to me time and time
again. At the same time, in my own
strength I know I will fail. So, the
easy out when I don’t want to change, is to tell God “I got this one on my own”. The reality is, I am doing this because I
trust my current patterns of life and thought more than I trust God to His
word. The questions are: Is this something new? Is it that big a deal? Who am I hurting anyway? What does all this mean?
In order to
really understand the magnitude of this I think it is really important to break
down God’s plan of salvation, the Old Covenant, and the New. There are so many teachings that provide more
questions than answers. The reality is
God’s plan of salvation is very simple.
He wants us to move from “flesh centered” to “Spirit led” so that we
embrace the essence of who He is. Flesh
centered leads us to death while spirit led delivers us into perfect harmony
with Him. Harmony with Him is in harmony
with how we were created so it is what is best for us.
The fact is
that for 2,000 years God attempted to woo the Jewish people into a relationship
with Him by telling them the difference between life and death living. We call this guide to living “His Law and
Statutes”. The intent was that a life
committed to His laws and Statutes would help them see that living according to
the flesh was death and in accordance with His ways was actually in harmony
with their spiritual design. In time
they were to discover that the Laws and Statutes were a light yoke as their
fleshly desires were replaced with thoughts and desires that were led by the Spirit
and as such the same as His. In doing
this, He could bless them with worldly blessings with no risk of perverting
them back to the addictions of the flesh.
The blessings and wealth would be so great, and their likeness of Him
would be so perfect that an outpouring of blessings would flow from His people
back to the nations. This would lead
those nations to seeing God as the wonderful father He is, and embrace His ways
based on the demonstration of the joyous, selfless, and holy life lived by His
people. The world would move from “flesh
centered” to “Spirit led” and God’s plan of salvation would be complete.
problem…..they just couldn’t get past seeing the Law and Statutes as a burden,
they didn’t trust that the Laws and Statutes were given as a gift and for their
best interest, and they did not understand the love from which they were
provided. The confusion comes from a
desire to hold onto the flesh centeredness which leads us to seeing God’s ways
as pointless, useless, burdensome, and of no value.
God saw this
and understood that He would have to do something different. In His love and in His favor He extended a
New Covenant. The New Covenant was a
substantial upgrade to the old as it should have made it easier for man to let
go of the flesh and embrace the Spirit.
Animals and men would no longer serve the roll of sacrifice and High
Priest. The animal sacrifices failed to
move His chosen to a transforming repentance, and the pride of man perverted
the High Priest roll leaving it ineffective.
To ensure His plan of salvation would carry forth He added a bonus
through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to those who accepted their calling
into the great commission.
This brings
us forward to where we are now; Back to the example of me and my relationship
with Him. Let me re-state what I said
right before I started the theology summary:
So, the easy out when I don’t want to change, is to
tell God I got this one on my own. The reality is, I am doing this because I
trust my current patterns of life and thought more than I trust God to His
word. The questions are: Is this something new? Is it that big a deal? Who am I hurting anyway? What does all this mean?
Let’s answer
the questions:
1—Is this
something new? No, it is the exact same
thing His chosen people did that forced Him to establish the New Covenant,
2—Is it that
big a deal? I have to say yes. I mean really….God took it so seriously with
the Chosen people that He felt it necessary to put them in time out for 2,000
years, take their commission from them, put the salvation of the world into the
hands of the very people He was trying to reach through His Chosen, extend a
New Covenant, crucify His one and only son on a wooden cross, and make it
easier for us through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. How could it not be a
big deal?
3—Who am I
hurting anyway? Myself, everyone I love,
everyone God puts me in contact with, Him, …
Need I say more?
4—What does
all this mean? Honestly, I think we
already know the answer to that question.
We just don’t want to see it. We
can’t look at it. We listen to our flesh
centered theologies as they explain away what we know to be true. We embrace them because we choose to.
down. I am not suggesting that we all
must be brought to perfection in order to have our salvation or do God’s work
effectively. I shudder at some of the
things I have thought, shared, and done while believing they were perfect and
true. Maybe someday I will look back on
this with amazement at my current blindness through something God reveals to me
in the future. The bottom line is, I
believe I am God’s, doing His work, and responding to His Spirit. I know He will use all things for His good, even
in my imperfection. In Mathew 16 Christ
“Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this
to you, but My Father who is in heaven…… and upon this rock
I will build My church
I read the
“rock” as the fact that God is the one who brings revelation to His
people. It is by faith that we trust God
to bring about what He desires to bring about when He chooses to bring it
forth. I see this process as one of
perpetual revelation. This is a term I
heard to describe the work of God and how He is bringing forth His plan of
salvation for the world. I like to apply
it to describe the work of God and how He is bringing forth His plan of
salvation for the individual too. This
is what I believe Paul was eluding to when he said that we must “work out” our
salvation is a perpetual progression of successes and failures as God slowly
convinces us to move our faith from a flesh centered perception to a Spirit led
understanding. This opens up a can of
worms on other theological issues. I
will try to simplify. I see our
Christian walk modeled in the life of Abraham.
God went to Abraham knowing exactly how “Spirit led” Abraham would be at
the end of his life. God said to Abraham,
“I credit you righteousness” and made many promises. After a lifetime of transformation Abraham
was called to sacrifice Isaac, the one through whom all the promises would be
fulfilled. Abraham did not hesitate in
listening to the Spirit, God provided a substitute, and Abraham named the
mountain “God will provide”. At that
moment an angel of the Lord came to Abraham and said “the Lord has sent me to
tell you that NOW He can honor all the promises that had been previously
promised”. I see that if God would have
known that Abraham would have never let go of his flesh centered ways God would
have never “credited” him anything. On
the other hand, God did know where Abraham would end up so it was no risk to
issue him the credit at the beginning of their relationship together. This is our journey with Christ. Believe it or not, God does know how far each
of us will move on this journey. He
created each of us and as such knows exactly what we are capable of. He told us “To whom much is given, much is
If you are
still stumped go to the prophets, go to revelation, read what God has to say
about these things. Spend some time
contemplating the roll of the church in the future, the restoration of His
people in the future, and why God is going to have to come back and take care
of things Himself.
If you are
still not clear think about this for a minute.
Suppose you are a father. You
have a task that needs to be done. You
ask your children to take care of it for you while you are gone. You give them all the tools, money, and
resources they will need. You even leave
them with an expert assistant for them to call if they need help. When you arrive home you find that your
children did not do what you asked them to do, they did not ask for the help
from the expert assistant, and they used the money to do the work of your
greatest enemy. As such you are forced
to take it upon yourself to do what was not done in your absence. What would you do to help your children
understand the error of their ways?
If that
didn’t help you maybe reading this will.
You have an enemy who is fighting you for something that you really care
about. You know that what you really
care about can only be secured with the help of a proper wife. So, you pick a wife and ask her to prepare
herself for your return. You tell her
that someday you will be back to get her and the two of you will secure that
for which you have claim. While you are
gone you check in from time to time.
Each time you check in you realize that your betrothed wife has moved
farther and farther from “being prepared”.
In reality she has actually moved closer and close to your only true
enemy. Over time it becomes apparent
that you are still in her mind and she speaks of you often but in all of her
ways she has become devoted to him. How
would that make you feel? Better yet, if
you were this man’s father and you watched this woman break your son’s heart? Especially knowing what He sacrificed,
knowing what you sacrificed? What would
you do if she was a part of what you have claimed and so desire to have
returned to you? What would you do to lead her back to yourself?
The sad
thing is, it could be so different. It
really isn’t that hard. The truth is it
would be so much easier if we just listened, trusted, and believed. He tells us that He loves us. If He is true to His word than everything He tells
us is true, His advice would help, and what He says to do would be the answer
to our prayers. If He answers our
prayers with a directive for life why don’t we listen? Why do we choose the desires of the flesh
over the voice of the spirit? Why do we
fail you dear father? Why? We reach for salvation but it is too far
away. Break this pathetic flesh dear God
and deliver me from its lies.
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