Monday, October 7, 2013

Does it really matter?

So, what is the point, and why does it really matter?

What difference does it make if we really know why we do what we do?  Can’t we just be happy doing what we do and not over thinking it?

Honestly---it didn’t work for me and from what I can tell, it really doesn’t work for anyone else.  Maybe I am wrong.  But just in case, if you are one of those who thinks this is a waste of time, it wouldn’t hurt to keep reading a little.

Here is what I came to realize.  Until I started understanding why I do what I do, why I think what I think, and why I react the way I react I never really knew myself.  The way I saw myself was based on what I did, what I thought, and the way I reacted to things.  I have come to realize that the person I saw really isn’t the person I am.  What I came to realize is that I had some hurts in my life.  I had not let my self forgive others.  I had hurt some people along the way, and I had some guilty feelings in my heart.  Over the years I had betrayals that I thought I had dealt with.  But, within the experience of those betrayals I bought some lies about who I am and what I am worth.  All of these things molded the way I thought, reacted, and went about life.  These are the “whys” we do what we do.

The question is, can we change it?  As I sit here typing this out I say that we can.  For me the process came through my spiritual journey and the work of God.  I do not believe that I, in my own strength, am capable of understanding these things or having the strength to grow, heal, and transform myself.  I will not impose my journey on you.  What I will tell you is that for me the experience has been life changing and it has transformed our entire family.  

Of course we are all works in progress, we are not perfect, and we make no claim to be so.

I will say that this aspect of my journey has helped me become the husband Robyn deserves, the father and spiritual leader my children need, and a sincere friend to all.  It has transformed Robyn into the most wonderful wife any husband could ever be blessed with, the mother our children need to feel loved and cherished, and a friend to all.  Our children are on the road to being successful adults.  They are all learning to think through these very same things.  This is preparing them for the day they will have families, be responsible for being the leaders of their own homes, raising their own children, and growing together with their own spouse.  They are learning to see and understand who they are so that they can help their loved ones do the same.  They have learned to be humble, look into the mirror, and allow themselves to be honest with what they see.  They have learned that the truth will in fact set them free, and freedom is what they have chosen.

I pray that we all (you included) will continue to grow together, live peaceful and rewarding lives together, and allow ourselves to remain focused on our own journey so that we may truly be a light to others.

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